Masters in Engineering & Architectural Design MEng

Design | Make | Live - Studio 4: Extraordinary Bodies

Studio 4 teaches integrated design in Year 1 of UCL’s Masters in Engineering & Architectural Design Programme, an innovative new interdisciplinary 4-year integrated masters delivered by The Bartlett School of Architecture (BSA) in partnership with the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (CEGE) and the UCL Institute of Environmental Design Engineering (IEDE). The studio’s distinct pedagogy explores ideas about making through the related trans-disciplinary fields of art, theatre, film and performance.

Studio 4’s award-winning work is concerned with the space between things, invisible structures, objects with agency, and the effects that performative actions have on our experience of familiar environments. Over the past 5 years Studio 4 has explored the interstitial layers between our skin and the environment beyond it; the spaces, objects and rituals through which we define our activities and perform our everyday lives, our site the unseen space between our bodies and the material world around us.  The anthropocentric investigations that have characterised the studio’s research to date have used the non-places of super-modernity such as rail and underground infrastructure, shopping malls and airports to reveal new, nuanced possibilities for architectural experience which have placed people first and foremost in our imaginations.

DML Studio 4: 2019 - present

Students: Jason Li; Eddie Jones; Marjorie Luque Escalante; Miriam Czech; James Standing; Azman Azhari Rizal; Rana Bulgurolu; Phoebe Hensley; Max Ostroverhy; Sanara Piensuparp; Yueyao Wang; Aidan Davies; Ariadne Ntoriza; Arnav Batia; Celia Wu; Daveriel Purugganan; Flora Cheung; Isaac Greaves; Jun Sakamoto; Malena Royo Rodic; Stevens; Myriam Chourfi; Noey Satheinsoontorn; Shamsa Al Mehairi; Styles Li; Ana Alonso Banez; Louis Bouquillon; Eve Freeston-Chang; Tianyu He; Roy Ile; Magda Kolarska; Blanca Mercadal Sola; David Morsel; Emily Riley; Yahvi Shah; Jasper Tecklenberg; Aohua Yang; Fatima Al-Najjar; Aziz; Iman Tamara Carty-Stewart; James Cui; Zhichun Jin; Merve Kanidagli; Hilary Law; Dora Qiu; Nuha Razia; Kai Sethna; Emily Sturgess; Flora Wang; Zoe Warner; Simon Kim; Omar Gamil Dawoud; Alec De Trogoff Du Boisguezennec; Ella Au; Sude Iseri; Hansini Kammila; Romesa Kashif; Bisni Khaibakh; Kim; Dawid Sowul; Jianing Xu; Dora Zhao; Hugh Gleave; Samantha Dufu Muller-Uri; Ameerah Sajid; Anita Yang; Claudia Kirk; Emma Wu; Jamie Hewitt; Jana Fathalla; Jef Van Bockstaele; Neha Suresh; Theodore Latourette; Xinyi Shi; Zuza Hajduk

Tutors: Annecy Attlee: Joana Soares Goncalves; Jack Hardy; Nico Czyz; Alice Whewell; Kate Davies

Lead Tutor: Oliver Houchell

Jasper Tecklenberg - Flipbook demonstrating stages of motion during a serve in tennis, 2022